Sunday, June 19, 2011

Singapore students, sawmill, etc.

Singapore students arrive at Nairobi Airport.

Large storks in downtown Nairobi - "Where the flock are we?"

First President's Tomb - Nairobi

Singapore students, seminarians, etal at Fransalian Seminary near Chuka.

Stone quarry, north of Chuka.

Misty morning in Marimba.

Same as above.

And again...

Large plant in the forest near Marimba.

A day at the sawmill...

The out feed side of the saw.

From the in feed side of the saw.

Hmm.  These ones aren't very straight!

Aha!  Much better!  Had me worried for a moment!

Sign at top right: "Work is the Best Drug."  The message - Just Say NO!
Trying on a Kenyan bracelet.
The Maasai salesman giving alms to the poor.
Who's this funny looking mazoongo (white man)?
Mother and child taking a break.

Our Blessed Mother at the entrance of the retreat center.

Retreat team members: Patrick, Catherine and Martin.