Sunday, July 24, 2011


Sunrise at Samburu National Park

Ready to Go!

First sightings - 200m from the gate!

Birds of a feather...

A protective mother.

"Can you see me way up here?"
"Thought I would come down and...heh good looking!"

Riding shotgun.

A pair of Dikdiks!? Or should I say Dikdik Dikdik?

Stork raving mad!

Mmm mmm good!

What am I?
The elusive striped donkeys.

"Which way do we go?"

Lone Impala.

Colourful birds.

No animals here.

The crew: Fr.Jules, our guide John (backgroud) and Denyse (Fr.Jules' niece).
"I'm having one of those bad hair days!"

'Planet of the Apes (baboons)!'

Hitchin' a ride.

"It's those boring tourists again..."

Out for a stroll.

"Nobody likes me!"

Typical scenery.

Some minor tinkering, then off we go again.

"I hate Rap!" - Believe it or Not!

Ashes to ashes, and dust to dust...

Now that's a Crock!
Mutual grooming.

Impalas and monkeys.

"Do you think they can see us?"

Cheetah posing.

Cheetah on the move.

"You guys are boring..."
"Ever get that sinking feeling?"

"Come on, wake up!"

"What were we just talking about?"

"Pedestrians have the right of way."

On the lookout.

Just hanging out...(leopard)
"I can do this all day! What about you?"

"So that's what this place looks like!"

Monkey tree?  Baboon do!

"Wait for me!"

"Which way did they go?"

"Where did he go?"  "I think we left him in the dust!"

"Done and dusty(ed)!"

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Friends and new arrivals...


Kittens in a basket. (Marimba)

I'm too sexy for my ears! (Marimba)

Fuzzy Wuzzy. (Marimba)



Patrick, Fr. Jules, Simon, Fr. Amos.

Yours truly - interior decorator extraordinaire.

Patrick's wife and baby boy.

When I grow up, I want to be...

Godfrey, showing his teeth!

I'm next!

We love Grandma!

Sister (Joy!) Therese.

Just hanging around!

Denyse and Uncle Jules.

"Yes, we really are in Kenya!"

Mass in the chapel.  Heh, you with the camera!  Forgot to light the candle?