Wednesday, March 16, 2011

More pictures from Marimba

Coach Michael and his prodigies!
This is a flowering tree that grows in the forest - trumpet_?

Myself, Michael, Rita, Fr. Jules at Meru chancery to meet the bishop.

Locals loading up lumber that had just been cut with a portable mill.
Trees amongst a sea of tea.
The house chapel (5'x10')
Youngest primary children outside of school building.
More of the younger children outside of school.
Older primary children playing "capture the flag."
Another tea field with trees and maize.
Banana trees in the foreground and tea pickers in the background.

Swab the decks!

Flash (on the left) and other children preparing melons.
More of the kitchen helpers - this is what they do on their day off!

Fragrant roses by the our soon to be home.

Tea picker from the adjacent property, wearing a sack to protect his legs.
Fr. Jules at the dormitory chapel during an animated homily.

Another hard worker at OLG.

Church to the left, and our house to the right.
Tea picker with mountain in the background.
Almost everything you see other than trees is tea!
O.K., enough of the banana trees and tea fields for now!
The little 'cutie pies' again. Notice how warmly they dress when it's 28C!!!


  1. What are the cutie pies sitting on? Were they raking up grass?
    The drooping white flowers look like datura, or angel trumpet but I could be mistaken. Please take more pictures, maybe I could paint some.
    What does the tea picker need to protect his legs from?
    Please tell me that you have tried this tea and how do you prepare it?
    I'm relieved to see that Rita doesn't have a beard like you guys. ;)
    Why are the girl's heads shaven? Is it cultural or practical?
    OK, enough questions. God bless and give hugs for me to all. Jocelyn

  2. Hi David. Don't know if my Thankyou made it to you for the flower power pics and birthday wishes. Thanks again! Phenominal photography. I was at Costco getting some pictures developed and a worker asked me if I was the photographer. I said yes and he complimented me on the photos. When I took them home and opened them I realized that it was your flower pictures he was admiring. I had most of them blown up to 8 x 10's and intend to paint pictures from them.
